How to determine the user device's "email sync period" (android) or "mail days to sync" ( iOS) with GroupWise Mobility 18

  • 7023807
  • 04-Apr-2019
  • 05-Apr-2019


GroupWise Mobility Service 18


How can you know the current Mobility user settings , as to the number of days to sync messages or calendar items, on their devices ?


1. When a new user is added to the GMS (Mobility) server, we get 7 days of email and 14 days of calendar items.
2. Set logging to debug.
3. For email, search the mobility-agent.log for storedEmailFilterType. It will show a number.

The values are:

1 = 1 day
2 = 3 days
3 = 1 week
4 = 2 weeks
5 = 1 month
0 = unlimited; uses days to sync values WebAdmin | Config | Device | Email & Calendar Sync Limit

4. For calendar, search the mobility-agent.log for storedCalendarFilterType.

Same as email, except for a few more values:

6 = 3 months
7 = 6 months