GroupWise Messenger 18
Non-clustered Messenger system
GroupWise Messenger does not have an automated process for backup and restore.
The following process can be used to backup and restore Groupwise Messenger:
- Copy the following directories (including sub-directories) to your backup location:
- /etc/opt/novell/messenger - startup and configuration files
- /opt/novell/messenger/certs
- /var/opt/novell/messenger
- /var/opt/novell/log/messenger - log files
- Shutdown the M
essenger services by running the following command:
- systemctl stop gwm-*
- Edit the /etc/arangodb3/arangod.conf file and add the following line after the other endpoints:
- endpoint = tcp:// - This adds a non-ssl listening endpoint to Arango for tools
- Restart Arango:
- systemctl restart arangodb3.service
- Browse to /usr/bin and run the following command to export the Messenger database:
- ./arangodump --server.database Messenger --output-directory "<path to output directory that the command will create>"
- The dump program will fail if the output directory already exists
- Enter the database root user password when prompted
- Adding "--overwrite true" will overwrite the output directory instead of creating a new one
- Run the following command to export the Messenger Archive database:
- ./arangodump --server.database Archive --output-directory "<path to another output directory that the command will create>"
- The dump program will fail if the output directory already exists
- Enter the database root user password when prompted
- Adding "--overwrite true" will overwrite the output directory instead of creating a new one
- Verify that in the output directories there are a bunch of json files the are pairs of the structure and data for each collection
- Once the dump commands have finished, remove the extra endpoint from Step 3 in the arangod.conf file and restart Arango:
- systemctl restart arangodb3.service
- Restart Messenger:
- systemctl start gwm-mars@<runasuser>.service
- systemctl start gwm-nmma.service
- systemctl start gwm-nmaa.service
- Shutdown the M
essenger services by running the following commands:
- systemctl stop gwm-*
- systemctl stop arangodb3.service
- Uninstall the Messenger packages:
- rpm-e groupwise-messenger-agents
- rpm -e groupwise-messenger-software
- rpm -e arangodb3
- Clean out the old database directories:
- rm -rf /var/lib/arangodb3
- rm -rf /var/lib/arangodb3-apps
- Run the Messenger install but do not configure Messenger
- Restore the Messenger configuration directories from Step 1 of the Backup steps.
- Run the following command to run the Arango install in secure mode:
- arango-secure-installation
- Enter the new database root password when prompted.
- Edit the /etc/arangodb3/arangod.conf file and add the following line after the other endpoints:
- endpoint = tcp://
- Start the Arango services by running the following command:
- systemctl start arangodb3.service
- Browse to /usr/bin and run the following command to import the Messenger database:
- arangorestore --server.database Messenger --input-directory "<path to Messenger dump directory>" --create-database true
- The input directory is where you dumped the Messenger database in Step 5 of the Backup steps.
- Enter the new database root password when prompted.
- Run the following command to import the Archive database:
- arangorestore --server.database Archive --input-directory "<path to Archive dump directory>" --create-database true
- The input directory is where you dumped the Archive database in Step 6 of the Backup steps.
- Enter the new database root password when prompted.
- Browse to /opt/novell/messenger and run the following command to configure Messenger:
- ./configure.sh
- Choose option 1 to create or update Messenger and follow the prompts
- When prompted for certificates, select "y" and enter the name of the certificates you had been using before in /opt/novell/messenger/certs.