- Access Manager 4.4.4
- NetIQ Access Manager version 4.4.4 IDP server
- ECC Certificates have been created and assigned to get used as Signing / Encryption Certificate for SAML2 and OAuth
- The SAML2 and Liberty metadata URL is broken
- The OAuth
https://idpa.kgast.nam.com:8443/nidp/oauth/nam/keys is returning an empty JSON
- These issues have been addressed to engineering
- Note: with the current released NAM versions up to 4.4.4 and the upcoming NAM 4.5 release ECC Certificate will not be supported.
Additional Information
Please review as well the following TIDs
- Fresh Installation the Access Manager Admin Console version 4.4.3 and 4.4.4 returns PKI error 1217 creating ECC Certificates
https://support.microfocus.com/kb/doc.php?id=7023737 - Access Manager Admin Console returns empty CRL list from within the Manage Tasks and Roles Certificate Server Authority