Identity Manager 4.7.2
Identity Apps 4.7.2
OSP 6.3.1
The Tomcat instance hosting the Identity Apps is configured to use port 443.
Unable to authenticate to Identity Apps after upgrading to Identity Apps 4.7.2
The configuration parameter com.netiq.idm.osp.url.host in the ism-configuration.properties file mentions explicitly port 443.
For example:
com.netiq.idm.osp.url.host = https://idmapp.domain.lab:443Resolution
Removing the port from the url specified for the configuration parameter com.netiq.idm.osp.url.host in the ism-configuration.properties addresses the issue.
For example:
com.netiq.idm.osp.url.host = https://idmapp.domain.lab
This issue only occurs when port 443 is used, the issue is not seen when the default port 8543 is used.
Additional Information
The follow error is returned in the browser while trying to authenticate:
An error has occured while processing your request. Please contat the administrator, or click the refresh button and try again.
The catalina.out contains the following error:
[com.netiq.idm.auth.oauth.OAuthRestFilter] (https-jsse-nio-8543-exec-3)
[RBPM] An error occurred while attempting to authenticate.