Privileged Account Manager
Unable to register the framework agent to the framework manager.
While registering a Framework Agent (/opt/netiq/npum/sbin/unifi regclnt register), the following errors are reported in the Agent and Manager unifid log (logs/unifid.log):
Agent unifid.log:
Error, Failed to register with manager tharris5.lab.novell.com:29120 500 Unauthorized service registration - Manager unifid.log:
Warning, User authentication failed for admin@<manager’s agent name>
Info, auth login client:localhost rc:0 status:401(Invalid user name or password) (15ms)
Error, Invalid service registration credentials for <agentHost><agentIP>
Info, registry svcRegister client:<agentHost> rc:0 status:500(Unauthorized service registration) (16ms)
Please verify both that the account has not been disabled and that the correct credentials are being used to register the Framework Agent to the Framework Manager.
Invalid credentials provided during registration (wrong admin username or password).