Thread: ajp-bio-
Error Message Resource Key: NIDPLOGGING.200104305
Request Attribute: error: Provisioning of LDAP
Attribute for Social Authentication user failed.
tcpdump shows "HTTP/1.1 500 (application/json)" and following the TCP Stream you can see:
Error: unhandled Accept header value in request
and POST shows:
Accept: text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, */*; q=.2
The initial call to SSPR API fails because Accept header do not include application/json type, and the rest-signing-form must be application/json
POST /sspr/public/rest/signing/form HTTP/1.1
content-type: application/json
Check documentation here: /sspr/public/reference/rest.jsp#rest-signing-form.