Unable to delete gateway alias when it contains a space in the name

  • 7023603
  • 21-Dec-2018
  • 21-Dec-2018


GroupWise 18


A user account still has an obsolete gateway alias defined.  When either the "Gateway Alias Type" or the "Gateway Alias Address" has a space in the name, an error occurs in the GroupWise Admin console when you attempt to remove it.


You can make use of the REST api to remove the gateway alias from the user account.  You first delete the "Gateway Alias Type" with this command:

curl -k --user admin:pwd -H "content-type:application/json" -X DELETE https://ipofserver:9710/gwadmin-service/domains/domainname/postoffices/poaname/users/username/aliases/gateway%20alias

Replace "gateway%20alias" with the "Gateway Alias Type" name as seen in the GroupWise Admin Console.  Replace any spaces in the name with %20

Then you delete the "Gateway Alias Address" with this command:

curl -k --user admin:pwd -H "content-type:application/json" -X DELETE https://ipofserver:9710/gwadmin-service/domains/domainname/postoffices/poaname/users/username/aliases/test%20alias

Replace "test%20alias" wit the "Gateway Alias Address" name as seen in the GroupWise Admin Console.  Replace any spaces in the name with a %20


Reported to Engineering