- Access Manager 4.4
- Access Manager 4.4.3
- IDP server returns a request denied after processing a SAML2 Authentication request:
<samlp:StatusCode Value="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:Responder">
<samlp:StatusCode Value="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:RequestDenied"/>
</samlp:StatusCode></samlp:Status> - configured NIDP cluster logging options:
Enable File Logging
Echo To Console,
Component File logger Levels:
Application, Liberty, SAML2: debug - The following error message gets logged into the catalina.out:
AM org.apache.xml.security.signature.Reference verify
INFO: Verification successful for URI "#_95c318e1dd5dfeee1063ac4bdb952edb7568a4908b"
Warning: Invalid resource key: Signature length not correct: got 256 but was expecting 512. No prefix!
3rd party SAML2 service provider required a fix to calculate the correct signature
The SAML Authentication request sends a signature with a length of 256 bytes where the used RSA key to sign the SHA message digest has a size of 4096bits (512 bytes).
The signature size has to be 512 bytes (same size as RSA key)
The signature size has to be 512 bytes (same size as RSA key)
Signature from SAML request:
echo Y5WZo/fl97iKIkZnMfeNMOr8iEwptuoYArMMSAQ5H9oTENV1EUAjlm8L6E2XGtvKhVCN0wlGgwSYIADsd84APhTwWNiMRlcZlNdW0EOgzN0rz60Re+PfXIeK8+hzbwf70ZMjnOewcS9Rormk5EAY8AQTwFwBhpkxElYWZ4/v/gEy1euMkuAUXkHmaq7YWW7oSnxQZE4UvE7pGuvh1Uh9W9jtyC2IfkOq6XKhZCYmM2z40gWCXdcV2kT32cC+b71qylt9ZbzXZ3wM5inTkiy11VRDQhj0fuo3/+xmQT86zNtpTnRsRVATi4FwmtzJ0BcR5e+RduqIFW0inOySXTd9UQ== | openssl base64 -d | wc -c256
Details from Certificate used in the SAML2 Authn Request:
Subject: C=DE, ST=Nordrhein-Westfalen, L=Suiburg, O=Gast AG, OU=LAB, CN=kgast.nam.local
Subject Public Key Info:
Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
Public-Key: (4096 bit)
Additional Information
Service Provider generates a wrong signature in the SAML authentication request
The Process is:
Note: The signature has based on the RSA modulus calculation the exact same size as the used key
The Process is:
- canonicalize XML document using the cn14 standard
- build a message hash using sha1 (generates a fixed 160 digest)
- Base64 Encode the digest in order to transport
- use the RSA private key to sign (encrypt the digest)
- Base64 encode signature in order to transport
Note: The signature has based on the RSA modulus calculation the exact same size as the used key
- 4096bits => 512 bytes
- 2048 => 256
- 1024 => 128