- Access Manager 4.4.3
- Access Manager 4.4.3 Access Gateway
- processing Access Gateway configuration changes are very slow
- ESP catalina.out reports a JNDI (LDAP Server connection) error for an:
<amLogEntry> 2018-11-05T13:03:35Z DEBUG NIDS Application:
Method: JNDILogEventListener.accept
Thread: JNDIReplicaRestart-74a72d1d-21a7-4e48-8f4e-6d2af183b2ba
Replica: Id: 2fe7f48b-6135-4daf-96c7-045932f677f1, host: ldap://, Initiating placement onto restart thread! </amLogEntry> - The mentioned LDAP server has been configured as Data Source for virtual attributes and cannot be reached because of Firewall configuration
- This issue has been address doe engineering. The Access Gateway should not contact any userstore or server configured as a data source directly.
- As a workaround make sure the Access Gateway h as access to the configured Data Source server