Vibe 4.0.1
Kablink 4.0.1
Process for migrating from Kablink to Vibe could fail with the following error displayed in the appserver.log file:
2018-10-10 11:10:34,762 WARN [localhost-startStop-1] [com.novell.teaming.module.zone.impl.StandaloneZoneModule] - Zone 1 appears to be broken. Skipping it from loading. 2018-10-10 11:10:34,784 ERROR [localhost-startStop-1] [org.kablink.teaming.web.servlet.listener.ContextListenerPostSpring] - Error during startup
Manually add the needed information following these steps:
1. Stop Tomcat.
2. Look in SS_ZoneConfig table to make sure that the ID of the zone is 1 (which is almost always the case, but should be still checked).
3. Create a new record in SS_ZoneInfo table by executing a SQL statement like this:
INSERT INTO SS_ZoneInfo (id,zoneId,zoneName,virtualHost) VALUES ('24e3f8de604c382801604c38511d000f',1,'kablink','');
4. Run or Re-Run the "manage-database.sh <db type> updateDatabase" command.
5. Start Tomcat.
The Kablink database does not contain zone information by default and this is causing the problem.