GroupWise 18.1
Open Enterprise Server 2015 (OES 2015) Linux
Open Enterprise Server 2018 (OES 2018) Linux
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12
Open Enterprise Server 2015 (OES 2015) Linux
Open Enterprise Server 2018 (OES 2018) Linux
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12
POA is configured with a DVA. There are many conversion failed
errors in POA logs. Disk space fills up quickly due to large number
of generated TMP files in <po>\oftemp sub-directories.
Removing DVA object from POA and stopping the DVA is a temporary
This problem is related to corrupted indexes under the PO.
Deleting and regenerating indexes solves the problem.
You can delete and regenerate indexes from HTTP console of
After you login to HTTP console, click on Configuration and
then on QF Indexing link.
Here set following options:
QF Indexing -> Enabled.
Update Indexes only.
Indexing level -> Unlimited.
Index User Databases
Delete Old QF Files
If that way of reindexing does not help, you can go for more
radical options if really needed:
Stop POA.
Delete Index directory under ofuser one. Then create new,
empty Index directory.
Run the same options from HTTP console except "Delete Old QF
Files" option.
You might see in POA logs file (Verbose) many C080/C081 errors
as there are no indexes present. Therefore re-run the same options
from HTTP console for QF Indexing process. You will see in this
second run user databases being indexed with all
As you could imagine, that is intensive task for POA,
therefore run this preferably after working hours.
Note also that QF Indexing level must be set to Unlimited. If
you set it into other value, only first 1000 mailbox items will be
indexed at this time.