- What is the difference between LoginTime and LastLoginTime User attributes?
- iMonitor shows both Login Time and Last Login Time; e.g.
- ldapsearch shows LoginTime and an additional Operational Attribute, LastLoginTime; e.g.
- # ldapsearch -H ldaps://red.lab.services.microfocus.com:636 -x -D "cn=admin,o=Lab" -w password -b "cn=Alice,ou=Users,o=Lab" -s sub -a always "(objectClass=User)" "LoginTime"
# extended LDIF## LDAPv3# base <cn=Alice,ou=Users,o=Lab> with scope subtree# filter: (objectClass=User)# requesting: LoginTime## Alice, Users, Labdn: cn=Alice,ou=Users,o=LabLoginTime: 20181121112751Z# search resultsearch: 2result: 0 Success# numResponses: 2# numEntries: 1
- # ldapsearch -H ldaps://red.lab.services.microfocus.com:636 -x -D "cn=admin,o=Lab" -w password -b "cn=Alice,ou=Users,o=Lab" -s sub -a always "(objectClass=User)" "LastLoginTime"
# extended LDIF
# LDAPv3
# base <cn=Alice,ou=Users,o=Lab> with scope subtree
# filter: (objectClass=User)
# requesting: LastLoginTime
# Alice, Users, Lab
dn: cn=Alice,ou=Users,o=Lab
LastLoginTime: 20170801103258Z
# search result
search: 2
result: 0 Success
# numResponses: 2
# numEntries: 1
- LoginTime shows the most recent time the user logged in
- LastLoginTime shows the previous time the user logged in (i.e. The most recent time before LoginTime)
Additional Information
ice can be used on eDirectory servers instead of ldapsearch if required; e.g.
- # ice -lice.log -v -SLDAP -s"red.lab.services.microfocus.com" -p636 -d"cn=admin,o=Lab" -L"/etc/opt/novell/certs/SSCert.der" -w"password" -b"cn=Alice,ou=Users,o=Lab" -csub -F"objectclass=User" -a"LoginTime" -DLDIF
NetIQ Import Convert Export utility for NetIQ eDirectoryversion: 20812.00eCopyright (c) 2013 NetIQ Corporation and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. U.S. Patent No. 6,915,287.Source Handler: ICE LDAP handler for NetIQ eDirectory (version: 20812.00e)Destination Handler: ICE LDIF handler for NetIQ eDirectory (version: 20812.00e)ICE log file: ice.logStart time: Wed Nov 21 12:22:06 2018Press control-C to exitOperation in progress ...#This LDIF file was generated by NetIQ's ICE and the LDIF destination handler.version: 1dn: cn=Alice,ou=Users,o=Labchangetype: addLoginTime: 20181121112751Z
- # ice -lice.log -v -SLDAP -s"red.lab.services.microfocus.com" -p636 -d"cn=admin,o=Lab" -L"/etc/opt/novell/certs/SSCert.der" -w"password" -b"cn=Alice,ou=Users,o=Lab" -csub -F"objectclass=User" -a"LastLoginTime" -DLDIF
NetIQ Import Convert Export utility for NetIQ eDirectoryversion: 20812.00eCopyright (c) 2013 NetIQ Corporation and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. U.S. Patent No. 6,915,287.Source Handler: ICE LDAP handler for NetIQ eDirectory (version: 20812.00e)Destination Handler: ICE LDIF handler for NetIQ eDirectory (version: 20812.00e)ICE log file: ice.logStart time: Wed Nov 21 12:22:10 2018Press control-C to exitOperation in progress ...#This LDIF file was generated by NetIQ's ICE and the LDIF destination handler.version: 1dn: cn=Alice,ou=Users,o=Labchangetype: addLastLoginTime: 20170801103258Z