GroupWise 2014 R2 Support Pack 2
GroupWise 18
What are the steps both in iManager and the GroupWise Web Admin Console to accomplish this.
Note: This procedure assumes that the eDirectory user field we will create does not yet exist and that you will take the example in this technical document and use it as appropriate in your eDirectory and GroupWise systems. And that in your GroupWise Admin Console, you have an eDirectory Directory Server and LDAP server under it defined and that your users are associated to this eDirectory.
iManager :
1. Login to your Micro Focus iManager, https://<eDirectoryServerIP-Or-HostName>/nps/servlet/webacc
2. Click on the Top Center icon, View Objects
3. Click on your main eDirectory "Organization" at the top of the Tree, mine is called "Novell"
4. Click on your "LDAP Group" object
5. Click on the "Attribute Map" tab
6. Note that there is an "eDirectory Attribute" and a "Primary LDAP Attribute" column in which you will see an existing pre defined list of "eDirectory Attributes" and the coresponding "LDAP Attributes" that they are "mapped" to.
7. Click the PLUS sign to the right to add a new eDirectory attribute.
8. Click the drop down list for "eDirectory Attribute", now since I want a "number" field,
I just choose an unused "number" type of field, in this example I choose "roomNumber", it is not in use currently on the list. If you choose a field that is already on the list you will be shown a dialog that says it is in use. If you see this dialog just choose another available field
9. In the "Primary LDAP Attribute" field, for this example I type, "SpeedDialNumber", no quotes. Click OK.
10. You are now back at the "Attribute Map" tab list, you will see, in this example, "rootNumber" and "SpeedDialNumber" in this alphabetized list. Click APPLY, then OK.
11. Now you want to populate this new field, at a user level with a value, so in iManager, CLICK on View Objects and "Browse" to where your desired User object (lets say USER1) resides in eDirectory, CLICK on the USER, CLICK the "Other" tab, On the "Unvalued Attributes" list, scroll down, in this example, Click on "roomNumber", CLICK on the LEFT blue arrow to place this field in the "Valued Attributes" list.
12. Click the PLUS sign and for this example, type the desired "SpeedDialNumber", like 10. CLICK OK and OK again.
13. Click APPLY and OK.
14. Now the user has the "roomNumber" value of 10 that is mapped to an LDAP attribute of "SpeedDialNumber". Don't worry, with regard to the GroupWise System Address Book it will show as "SpeedDialNumber" not "roomNumber".
GroupWise Web Admin Console :
15. Log into the GroupWise Web Admin Console, Click SYSTEM, Admin Defined Fields, Click on an empty Admin Defined field in the column with the Name of your eDirectory server object. Scroll down until you find, in this example, "SpeedDialNumber". The list is not entirely alphabetized. Note the Admin Defined number, in this example it is "Admin Defined 2". CLICK OK.
16. Now CLICK on System on the left "Administration" pane, CLICK on "Domains", Click on your Primary Domain object, Address Book tab, in the "Available Fields" column, you will find "Admin Defined 2", highlight it and CLICK the LEFT arrow to place this field in the "Address Book Fields" column.
17. Highlight "Admin Defined 2" in the "Address Book fields" column and Click on the "Edit Label" button and Type SpeedDialNumber and Click OK. Click SAVE, then Click CLOSE.
18. Click on Users on the Left Pane, and Click on USER1. Click on the "Synchronize" button at the Top Center, then Click OK.
19. If you are logged into the GroupWise Windows client, log out and then log in again, then go to the Address Book, Right Click the Column headers, select "More Columns" and in the "Available Columns" list you should see "SpeedDialNumber", highlight it, Click the ADD button. Click OK.
20. You should now see the value "10" in the "SpeedDialNumber" column in the GroupWise System Address Book. If you do not do Step # 18, then you will need to wait for the MTA scheduled event - "Default Directory Synchronization Event" to take place, by default at 1am daily.