“A custom version of the current built-in file already exists.” message appears when saving keyboard map

  • 7023451
  • 17-Oct-2018
  • 23-Oct-2018


Reflection Desktop (including Pro, for IBM, or for UNIX and OpenVMS) 16.0 or higher


When saving a keyboard map, the following message appears:

“A custom version of the current built-in file already exists.”
        “Please provide a filename for the new file”


The message will only appear if a “built-in” keyboard map from the C:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\Reflection\Built-Ins\Keyboard Maps folder location is saved on top of a custom keyboard map file in the C:\Users\<username>\Micro Focus\Reflection\Built-Ins\Keyboard Maps folder location.

This is a warning message and will be followed by a Save As dialog that will allow the saving of the custom keyboard map to a different file name or to a different folder location.

Additional Information

Steps to Duplicate:

1. Open a new Reflection 3270 Host session.

2. Choose Document Settings.

3. Choose “Manage Keyboard Map”.
    Note that the currently selected file is located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\Reflection\Built-Ins\Keyboard Maps\default 3270.xkb
    (this is a built-in keyboard map file)

4. Choose “Modify the currently selected keyboard map file”.

5. Change a key mapping to a different value by pressing the key and selecting an Action.

6. Press OK.

7. Press OK.
    Note that the currently selected file is now located in C:\Users\<username>\Micro Focus\Reflection\Built-Ins\Keyboard Maps\default 3270.xkb
    (this is now a custom keyboard map file)

8. Open another new Reflection 3270 Host session.

9. Choose Document Settings.

10. Choose “Manage Keyboard Map”.
     Note that the currently selected file is located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\Reflection\Built-Ins\Keyboard Maps\default 3270.xkb
     (this is a built-in keyboard map file)

11. Choose “Modify the currently selected keyboard map file”.

12. Change a key mapping to a different value by pressing the key and selecting an Action.

13. Press OK.

14. The following message appears:
        “A custom version of the current built-in file already exists.”
        “Please provide a filename for the new file”

This message indicates that a built-in keyboard map from the C:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\Reflection\Built-Ins\Keyboard Maps location is being saved on top of a custom keyboard map file in the C:\Users\<username>\Micro Focus\Reflection\Built-Ins\Keyboard Maps folder location.  The message will only appear the first time when attempting to save a “built-in” file on top of a custom file.  Subsequent saves of existing custom keyboard maps will not generate this message.

To continue:

15. Press OK.

16. A Save As dialog will appear pointing to the C:\Users\<username>\Micro Focus\Reflection\Built-Ins\Keyboard Maps folder and the default 3270.xkb is selected as the Save As file name.

17. Select the existing file or enter a new file name.