A. Products
Reflection for Secure IT Client for Windows 7.2 SP3
Reflection for HP 14.1 SP3
Reflection for UNIX and OpenVMS 14.1 SP3
Reflection for the Multi-Host Enterprise Professional Edition 14.1 SP3Reflection for the Multi-Host Enterprise Standard Edition 14.1 SP3
B. Configuration:
The scp command includes -vvv to log at the DEBUG3 level and >> to redirect output to a file.
The Reflection Secure Copy (SCP) command line client is being run via a batch file with the verbose command line option -vvv. Redirecting the verbosity is being done with the syntax >> logfilename.txt. After upgrading from Reflection for Secure IT Client for Windows (RSCW) to the verbose output redirected to the log file is minimal. Users expect the log file to include debug1, debug2 and debug3 messages. Instead the information is limited to 4 lines. The command syntax used in will not work in
Fetching /directoryname/testfile.txt
Downloaded /directoryname/testfile.txt to C:\directoryname\testfile.txt
Removing /directoryname/testfile.txt
The SCP command syntax being used by users is,
The output redirected to the log file in
scp -p -u
-r -vvv username@hostname.com:/directoryname/testfile.txt
C:\directoryname\testfile.txt >> C:\Users\username\Desktop\logfile.txt
Fetching /directoryname/testfile.txt
Downloaded /directoryname/testfile.txt to C:\directoryname\testfile.txt
Removing /directoryname/testfile.txt
Connection closed to hostname.com
In the examples above,
A. Replace <username> with the user ID of the user logging in to the host.
B. Replace <hostname> with the DNS or IP address of the remote host.
C. Replace <directoryname> with the directory name on the remote system and local system.
Change the command syntax.
A. scp -p -u -r -vvv <username>@<hostname>:/<directoryname>/testfile.txt C:\<directoryname>\testfile.txt > C:\Users\username\Desktop\logfile.txt 2&>1
B. scp -p -u -r -o LogLevel=DEBUG3 -o LogFile=C:\Users\username\Desktop\logfile.txt <username>@<hostname>:/directoryname/testfile.txt C:\directoryname\testfile.txt
In the examples above,
A. Replace <username> with the user ID of the user logging in to the host.
B. Replace <hostname> with the DNS or IP address of the remote host.C. Replace <directoryname> with the directory name on the remote system and local system.
RSCW 7.2 SP3 and higher and Reflection 14.1 SP3 and higher were changed to use Windows redirection correctly. This requires different syntax than used in prior versions of Reflection command line clients; ssh, scp or sftp.