Reflection Desktop (including Pro, for IBM, or for UNIX and OpenVMS) 16.1 SP1 HF7 or higher
Numerous Trusted Location errors when opening Host session document (RD3X, RD5X, or RDOX file) in older version of Reflection Desktop. The errors will point to numerous Host session files and will indicate something like: "Unable to open C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Micro Focus\Reflection\session1.rd3x because it is not in a trusted location. Would you like to configure trusted locations now?"
This problem only occurs when the following 3 conditions are true:
1. The Host session document was created in Reflection Desktop 16.1 SP1 HF7 (build 426) and higher.
2. A VBA Reference has been added to the session document.
3. The Host session document is opened in a version of Reflection Desktop 16.1 SP1 HF6 and earlier.
Create a new Host session in a version of Reflection Desktop 16.1 SP1 HF6 and earlier.
1. Open the host session.
2. Dismiss the error messages by answering "No" to each prompt.
3. Load the Visual Basic editor.
4. Open the Tools menu.
5. Choose References
6. Uncheck the boxes in front of the references that indicate they are MISSING.
7. File / Save
8. Close and reopen the Reflection Desktop Host session.
The addition of of a new feature, the addition of a VBA Reference to a
Shared Macro file, added a new configuration option in the Host session
file that is not handled properly by the earlier versions of Reflection
Additional Information
Steps to duplicate:
1. Install Reflection Desktop 16.1
Install Reflection Desktop 16.1 SP1
Install Reflection Desktop 16.1 SP1 HF7 (Build 426)2. Create a 3270 Host session called test2.rd3x and record and save a simple Reflection macro in the session.
Close the session and Reflection Workspace.
3. Create a 3270 Host session called test3.rd3x and record and save a simple Reflection macro in the session.
Close the session and Reflection Workspace.
4. Create a 3270 Host session called test1.rd3x and set a VBA Reference to test2.rd3x and test3.rd3x.
Close the session and Reflection Workspace.
5. Remove the Reflection Desktop 16.1 SP1 HF7 (Build 426) so the machine is back at Reflection Desktop 16.1 SP1.
6. Open the host session named test1.rd3x.
7. Some machines will experience the errors as the Host session opens.
Other machines will have no errors appear when opening the Host session, until you do the following:
a. Open the VBA Editor.
b. Expand the Reflection Objects
c. Try and open ThisIbmScreen or ThisIbmTerminal.
d. Errors occur:
"Unable to open C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Micro Focus\Reflection\test2.rd3x because it is not in a trusted location. Would you like to configure trusted locations now?".
"Unable to open C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Micro
Focus\Reflection\test3.rd3x because it is not in a trusted location.
Would you like to configure trusted locations now?".