Reflection Workspace stays open after a legacy macro "Session.Quit"

  • 7023364
  • 18-Sep-2018
  • 18-Sep-2018


Reflection Desktop 16.0 or later


In Reflection macro programming from version 14.1 and earlier, the statement "Session.Quit" or "Session.Exit" would completely shut down and close the Reflection session. When this legacy macro from Reflection 14.1 is now used with Reflection Desktop, these statements do close individual sessions, but the Reflection Workspace in which sessions are now embedded remains open. Using a Reflection 14.1 macro, how can the Reflection Workspace be closed when the session closes?


In Reflection Workspace settings, check the box for "Exit workspace when last document closed". As long as only one session is open, the workspace window will close automatically following a Session.Quit.