iPrint for Linux Open Enterprise Server
Open Enterprise Server 2018 (OES 2018) Linux
After fully patching an OES2018 server (note: fully patched as of 30 August 2018, which is Update 3, released 27 June 2018) with iPrint configured to run in a cluster, the iPrint services will not load. The following error is found in the system log:
failed at step EXEC spawning /opt/novell/iprint/bin/precheck
Download ftp://ftp.novell.com/outgoing/novell-iprint-server-6.18.0_1074650-1.1.x86_64.rpm
Install this RPM on each node. The node must have the Cluster Volume hosting iPrint loaded at the time of the install.
If the server can access external sites, the following string of commands can be pasted into a terminal session to download and install the RPM.
wget -P /tmp ftp://ftp.novell.com/outgoing/novell-iprint-server-6.18.0_1074650-1.1.x86_64.rpm;rpm -Uvh /tmp/novell-iprint-server-6.18.0_1074650-1.1.x86_64.rpm
A defect in the iPrint server code.
Additional Information
This issue is scheduled to be fix in the next update. This article will be modified once the fix has been released.