Ideas portal link in the GroupWise Windows client resolves to an invalid webpage

  • 7023129
  • 27-Jun-2018
  • 27-Jun-2018


GroupWise 2014 R2
GroupWise 18


Clicking on the light bulb icon to be taken to the GroupWise Ideas portal resolves to an invalid web page


For the Windows client only, this can be configured to whatever website the Administrator of the system would like it to resolve to.  In order to change this, go into the GroupWise Admin Console.  This is a setting that can be set on a Domain level, Post Office level, or User level.  Unfortunately for WebAccess the icon is hard coded to the GroupWise Ideas portal
  1. Select the object where the change is going to be made, in this case the Post Office. 
  2. Click on the Client options tab
  3. Click on the Integration link
  4. Click on Tutorials.  Enter the website address you would like this icon to point to
  5. Save and exit.