How to remove assets from Change Guardian

  • 7023099
  • 14-Jun-2018
  • 14-Jun-2018


Change Guardian 5.0


Decommissioned server still displays in Change Guardian Policy Editor. 
Asset is still available in CG after the software was deleted from the machine.  
Unavailable server still displays in the CG Assets area. 


To remove unwanted assets from the Change Guardian Policy Editor Asset view follow the instructions below. 
1.)  Login to the Change Guardian Policy Editor with an admin account.  
2.)  Select the Change Guardian node and then select Asset Groups.
3.)  At the top of the window select the pull down menu then select assets to change the display from asset groups to assets only.
4.)  Select the asset that needs to be removed and select the remove icon at the bottom of the screen.  
5.)  A window will pop up confirming you want to remove the selected asset once you select Okay the asset will        no longer be available as a registered asset on Change Guardian.


Change Guardian will remove a registered asset if it is uninstalled and allowed to remove the registration from the CG Server.  If the uninstall is performed and cannot connect with the CG Server to remove the asset properly it 
can cause an orphaned asset. Also if the asset is decommissioned and removed from the network it will also 
produce an orphaned asset within Change Guardian.