Demonstration of how the application.settings file gets copied from ProgramData to AppData location

  • 7022985
  • 18-May-2018
  • 31-May-2018


Reflection Desktop (including Pro, for IBM, or for UNIX and OpenVMS) 16.0 or higher
Reflection 2014
Reflection Pro 2014
Reflection for IBM 2014
Reflection for UNIX and OpenVMS 2014
Reflection for IBM 2011
Reflection for UNIX and OpenVMS 2011
Reflection Standard Suite 2011


This article gives a demonstration of how the Reflection Desktop application.settings file gets copied from the C:\ProgramData... location to the user's AppData location.  This test is useful to perform while troubleshooting issues that can occur while attempting to distribute (via a customized installation) an updated application.settings file placed in the C:\ProgramData folder, so that it will get copied down to each individual user's AppData location.


1. Open Windows Explorer.

2. Navigate to the C:\Users\<yourusername>\AppData\Roaming\Micro Focus\Reflection\Desktop\v16.1 folder.

3. Make a copy of the application.settings file and save it as “application.settings.oldâ€.

4. Load the Reflection Workspace.

5. Modify the Trusted Locations under Reflection Workspace Settings / Specify Trusted Locations.
    Add two different new lines:
    “C:\users\%username\Documents†and set the Subfolders check box.
    “C:\users\%username\Downloads†and set the Subfolders check box.

6. Exit the Reflection Workspace.

7. Verify the application.settings file in the C:\Users\<yourusername>\AppData\Roaming\Micro Focus\Reflection\Desktop\v16.1 folder has the current time and date.
    Notice that the application.settings.old file has an older time/date.

8. Copy the application.settings file to C:\ProgramData\Micro Focus\Reflection\Desktop\v16.1 folder.

9. Navigate to the C:\Users\<yourusername>\AppData\Roaming\Micro Focus\Reflection\Desktop\v16.1 folder.

10. Delete the application.settings file that is located here.

11. Rename the application.settings.old file to application.settings.
      Basically putting back the old file that does NOT contain the “C:\users\%username\Downloads†folder.

12. Load the Reflection Workspace.

13. View the Trusted Locations under Reflection Workspace Settings / Specify Trusted Locations.

14. The list should contain: