Open Enterprise Server 2015 with iPrint for OES installed
Open Enterprise Server 2018 with iPrint for OES installed
Open Enterprise Server 2018 with iPrint for OES installed
iPrint Authentication attempts from the Micro Focus iPrint mobile app or from the iPrint Portal page (https://<address>/print/printers) succeed when authenticating with the LDAP Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN - example: cn=jdoe,ou=sales,o=xyzcorp). The same user's authentication attempt will fail when logging in with the CN (jdoe).
This problem has been reported to Micro Focus Engineering. Until the fix is released, the following workaround will allow authentications with the CN to succeed.
- iManager -> Rights -> Modify Trustees
- Select the Tree, Organization, or whichever container or group for which contains users you want to be able to authenticate with only the CN.
- Add Public as a trust if it is not already added
- Click the "Add Trustee" button
- Upper right
- Choose Public
- Click the "Assigned Rights" link next to [Public]
- Click the "Add Property" button
- Upper Right
- Check the "Show all properties in schema" box
- Highlight CN and click OK.
- Click the "Inherit" box for the CN Property Name
- Click the Done button.
This problem mostly occurs when the Tree has multiple Organization objects exist in the Tree. The Organization which has the iPrint server installed to will not have the problem. The other Organization will have the problem.