eDirectory 9
Windows Server 2012 R2
Windows Server 2016
Windows Server 2012 R2
Windows Server 2016
Scenario 1: eDirectory installation failed and left a partially installed instance behind.
Scenario 2: Currently configured instance of eDirectory needs to be uninstalled.
Scenario 2: Currently configured instance of eDirectory needs to be uninstalled.
Disclaimer: If the eDirectory server is already configured, the following steps will completely de-configure it and remove it from the tree.
The eDirectory removal is now complete.
Note: Although unnecessary, some administrators may opt to restart the Windows server at this point.
- Verify that the configured instance, if any, is stopped:
- Open the Services.exe Utility:
Control Panel | Administrative Tools | Services - Scroll to the bottom and look for a service named "x64 NDS Server..."
- If it is running, click on the item in the list and click "Stop the service".
- If it fails or does not stop in a timely manner (3 minutes or less), use Windows Task Manager to end the "NetIQ eDirectory Host Environment" task.
- Close any open eDirectory utilites, such as ndscons.exe (NetIQ eDirectory Services) or dsrepair.
- If the "slpd" task is running, please end the process using Windows Task Manager.
- Uninstall eDirectory and NICI:
- Open Programs and Features:
Control Panel | View by: Small icons | Programs and Features- Select "NetIQ eDirectory 9" from the list and click "Uninstall".
- Once the uninstall is complete, repeat the previous step for "NICI U.S./Worldwide".
NOTE: If you are unable to run the uninstaller for any reason, skip this step and move to step 5.
- Run the eDirectory scrub utility from TID # 3004658:
- Follow the instructions under the "Additional Information" section.
- After copying the script to a file named "edirScrub.bat", open a command prompt AS AN ADMINISTRATOR and enter one of the following commands, depending on the directory structure of your installation:
> .\edirScrub.bat C:\Novell\NDS
OR> .\edirScrub.bat C:\NetIQ\eDirectory
The eDirectory removal is now complete.
Note: Although unnecessary, some administrators may opt to restart the Windows server at this point.
Additional Information
For instructions on uninstalling eDirectory on Linux, please refer to the official documentation: https://www.netiq.com/documentation/edirectory-9/edir_install/data/a79khda.html.