Windows 10 v1709 Reports "Failed to Get Network Providers" under Advanced Settings of Network Connections

  • 7022886
  • 25-Apr-2018
  • 10-May-2018


ZENworks Configuration Management


The "Provider Order" dialogue under Advanced Settings under Network Connections returns "Failed to get network providers".
There are no other known issues associated with this issue at this time.


This Windows Defect is Fixed in Windows 10 1803 ( April 2018 Feature Upgrade)
Work-Around for Windows 10 1709 (Keys necessary for Windows 10 1709 Only...but cause no harm for Windows 10 builds before or after...)
Note: Only Create the 'Devicename' value specified below, if they keys under which it is to be created already exist.
Manually add a REG_SZ value named "DeviceName" under [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\ZenCredManager\NetworkProvider] and set the value to "\Device\ZenCredManager"
Manually add a REG_SZ value named "DeviceName" under [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\LCredMgr\NetworkProvider] and set the value to "\Device\LCredMgr"
If the FDE Spoke is installed, the following may be necessary.
Note: Only Create the 'Devicename' value specified below, if they keys under which it is to be created already exist.
Manually add a REG_SZ value named "DeviceName" under [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\PBACredMan\NetworkProvider] and set the value to "\Device\PBACredMan"


The "DeviceName" value is defined as an Optional Attribute for Credential Providers.
Despite still being documented as optional by Microsoft in Windows 10 1709, when it is not defined it can impact the "Change Provider Order" starting in Windows 10 1709.

Additional Information

The OES Client may also cause the issue and requires a similar update to the registry.
Note: Other Credential Providers may cause the similar issue, so if the changes above do not resolve the issue....check for other 3rd party providers that may need similar entries created.