Reflection Desktop (including Pro, for X, for IBM, or for UNIX and OpenVMS) 16.0 and higher
Microsoft Windows 7
VMware ThinApp 4.7
Microsoft Windows 7
VMware ThinApp 4.7
This article describes the steps to create and build a VMware ThinApp 4.7 package with Reflection Desktop.
Steps to create and build a VMware ThinApp 4.7 package with Reflection Desktop:
1. Install a clean copy of Microsoft Windows 7 with all the latest service packs and security updates.
2. Update to the latest Microsoft .NET framework. The .NET interface comes already installed with the Windows 7 Operating System but see Installation of the Microsoft .NET Framework in Virtual Application Environments for Reflection Desktop for details on recommendations for the Microsoft .NET installations and updates for virtual environment.
3. Install the VMware ThinApp Packager (Setup Capture Wizard).
4. In the ThinApp Setup Capture Wizard, run a pre-scan to capture the baseline PC image.
5. When the pre-scan is complete, install the Reflection Desktop software with the settings desired. It is recommended that this installation be run from an Administrative Install Point which was created for Reflection. For details of this process, refer to the Installation and Deployment Guide for Reflection Desktop as a resource, which is available from https://www.attachmate.com/documentation/reflection-desktop-v16-1-sp1/deployment-guide/data/bookinfo.htm.
6. When the installation is complete, run the Reflection Workspace and create the Host session types needed (IBM, VT, 5250, etc.), and save them. This is an important step to follow to make sure that Reflection and other files needed for deployment are created and saved in the ThinApp Build. Failure to run the Reflection Desktop software will result in missing files and potential error messages as the Reflection Workspace is launched on the client PC.
7. In the Reflection Workspace settings, either
Turn off Trusted Locations.
Set Trusted Locations:
Add the folder “C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware ThinApp\Captures\Micro Focus Reflection Desktop \%Personal%\Micro Focus\Reflection”
so that the Reflection Host sessions can load later in the virtual ThinApp environment for other users.
8. Unload and close the Reflection Workspace.
9. In the ThinApp Setup Capture Wizard, run the post-scan to capture the updated PC image as it exists after Reflection is installed and run.
10. When the post-scan is complete, select all the *.exe files as Default Entry Points.
Click the "Select All" button.
11. When prompted for access restrictions, allow Access to Everyone.
12. On the Isolation Mode screen, accept the default, the "Merge Isolation Mode" setting.
13. Accept the defaults for the options presented by the Setup Capture Wizard:
Sandbox location – default
Inventory Name – default
Primary data container – default
14. Save the ThinApp capture by clicking Save.
15. Finalize the package by selecting the Build process.
16. When the build is complete, exit the ThinApp Setup Capture Wizard.
There are many other options that can be used when you create a ThinApp package, such as building a final executable and signing the file. It is recommended that these additional steps be performed after the Reflection package is created, tested, and ready to be finalized. This will make troubleshooting problems much easier.
17. Test the package by using Windows Explorer to find and launch a Host session created in step 6 above.
The Host sessions are located in a folder with a name such as:
C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware ThinApp\Captures\Micro Focus Reflection Desktop \%Personal%\Micro Focus\Reflection.
Or browse to the C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware ThinApp\Captures\Micro Focus Reflection Desktop\bin folder and run the "Reflection Workspace" to create a new session.
1. Install a clean copy of Microsoft Windows 7 with all the latest service packs and security updates.
2. Update to the latest Microsoft .NET framework. The .NET interface comes already installed with the Windows 7 Operating System but see Installation of the Microsoft .NET Framework in Virtual Application Environments for Reflection Desktop for details on recommendations for the Microsoft .NET installations and updates for virtual environment.
3. Install the VMware ThinApp Packager (Setup Capture Wizard).
4. In the ThinApp Setup Capture Wizard, run a pre-scan to capture the baseline PC image.
5. When the pre-scan is complete, install the Reflection Desktop software with the settings desired. It is recommended that this installation be run from an Administrative Install Point which was created for Reflection. For details of this process, refer to the Installation and Deployment Guide for Reflection Desktop as a resource, which is available from https://www.attachmate.com/documentation/reflection-desktop-v16-1-sp1/deployment-guide/data/bookinfo.htm.
6. When the installation is complete, run the Reflection Workspace and create the Host session types needed (IBM, VT, 5250, etc.), and save them. This is an important step to follow to make sure that Reflection and other files needed for deployment are created and saved in the ThinApp Build. Failure to run the Reflection Desktop software will result in missing files and potential error messages as the Reflection Workspace is launched on the client PC.
7. In the Reflection Workspace settings, either
Turn off Trusted Locations.
Set Trusted Locations:
Add the folder “C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware ThinApp\Captures\Micro Focus Reflection Desktop \%Personal%\Micro Focus\Reflection”
so that the Reflection Host sessions can load later in the virtual ThinApp environment for other users.
8. Unload and close the Reflection Workspace.
9. In the ThinApp Setup Capture Wizard, run the post-scan to capture the updated PC image as it exists after Reflection is installed and run.
10. When the post-scan is complete, select all the *.exe files as Default Entry Points.
Click the "Select All" button.
11. When prompted for access restrictions, allow Access to Everyone.
12. On the Isolation Mode screen, accept the default, the "Merge Isolation Mode" setting.
13. Accept the defaults for the options presented by the Setup Capture Wizard:
Sandbox location – default
Inventory Name – default
Primary data container – default
14. Save the ThinApp capture by clicking Save.
15. Finalize the package by selecting the Build process.
16. When the build is complete, exit the ThinApp Setup Capture Wizard.
There are many other options that can be used when you create a ThinApp package, such as building a final executable and signing the file. It is recommended that these additional steps be performed after the Reflection package is created, tested, and ready to be finalized. This will make troubleshooting problems much easier.
17. Test the package by using Windows Explorer to find and launch a Host session created in step 6 above.
The Host sessions are located in a folder with a name such as:
C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware ThinApp\Captures\Micro Focus Reflection Desktop \%Personal%\Micro Focus\Reflection.
Or browse to the C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware ThinApp\Captures\Micro Focus Reflection Desktop\bin folder and run the "Reflection Workspace" to create a new session.
Additional Information
If running the Reflection Workspace from the packaging PC's Windows Application menu, then copy of Reflection that is run will be the local copy that was installed in step 5 above.
For testing purposes, go to the Windows Control Panel / Programs and Features and remove this local copy to prevent confusion and see proper test results.
If the local copy of Reflection is removed, a Reflection session file can be run by clicking it, but the ThinReg.exe program will need to be run to rebuild the Microsoft Windows File Associations for the Reflection files.
Follow these steps:
1. Open a Command Prompt with “Run as Administrator”
2. Navigate to the root folder of the C: drive.
3. Type "C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware ThinApp\ThinReg.exe" "C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware ThinApp\Captures\Micro Focus Reflection Desktop\bin\*.exe"
If copying and pasting this command line at Windows Command Prompt and a ThinReg error displays, re-type the first few characters of the path to the files and try again. Or put the cursor under the P in Program Files. It may be necessary to re-type the entire command, rather than copying and pasting it.
4. Verify that the RD3X, RD5X, and RDOX files are now associated with the appropriate Reflection Host sessions types.
For testing purposes, go to the Windows Control Panel / Programs and Features and remove this local copy to prevent confusion and see proper test results.
If the local copy of Reflection is removed, a Reflection session file can be run by clicking it, but the ThinReg.exe program will need to be run to rebuild the Microsoft Windows File Associations for the Reflection files.
Follow these steps:
1. Open a Command Prompt with “Run as Administrator”
2. Navigate to the root folder of the C: drive.
3. Type "C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware ThinApp\ThinReg.exe" "C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware ThinApp\Captures\Micro Focus Reflection Desktop\bin\*.exe"
If copying and pasting this command line at Windows Command Prompt and a ThinReg error displays, re-type the first few characters of the path to the files and try again. Or put the cursor under the P in Program Files. It may be necessary to re-type the entire command, rather than copying and pasting it.
4. Verify that the RD3X, RD5X, and RDOX files are now associated with the appropriate Reflection Host sessions types.