GroupWise 18
When modifying a Recurrence Personal appointment the
appointments are being duplicated after the autosave.
steps to dup:
Create a personal appointment with daily recurrence (starts
04/04/2018 - 04/08/2018) and save
Re-open first appointment in the series then open the
recurrence settings, add 2 days (for example 04/04/2018 to
04/10/2018) and then WAIT for the autosave. The appointments will
be dubbled.
Even if you do not open the recurrence settings, but just edit
the appointment and wait for autosave it will be duplicated.
There are also many variations once autosave occurs (for
example, you then cannot delete all the instances, it will leave
the last instance) Basically autosave seems to not work for
recurrence personal appointments.
This has been reported to engineering