iPrint for OES 2015
iPrint for OES 2015 is an Add On product that is available for extra purchase beyond OES. It provides Mobile printing capabilities (email printing, QuickPrint, Chromebook printing, mobile device printing, etc)
This document does not apply to OES 2018
A problem with licensing on iPrint for OES 2015 prevents printing and prevents the ability to manage iPrint with a 0x501 error
The /ipcon management page won't load.
The iPrint process appear to be running fine on the server
ps -ef | grep iprint correctly shows two ipsmd processes running and one iprintgw process running.
The /var/log/apache/error_log shows the following when trying to manage iPrint objects:
The /ipcon management page won't load.
The iPrint process appear to be running fine on the server
ps -ef | grep iprint correctly shows two ipsmd processes running and one iprintgw process running.
The /var/log/apache/error_log shows the following when trying to manage iPrint objects:
[DATE + TIME] [error] REST call failed. HTTP Status Code: 500
[DATE + TIME] [error] Fetching license info failed.
[DATE + TIME] [error] Http Code : 500
[DATE + TIME] [error] Curl Code : 22
[DATE + TIME] [error] Error occurred while fetching licensing information.
[DATE + TIME] [error] ParseAndProcessIPPRequest : No valid license available
[DATE + TIME] [warn] IPP Operation error=SRVR_ERR_OPERATION_NOT_SUPP, operation=Get Printer Attributes
1. Edit the /etc/opt/novell/iprint/conf/iprintconf.properties file
Original:2. Configure the iPrint Mobile service to not run on bootup:platform=oesChange to:
chkconfig novell-iprint-mobile off3. Restart the Print Manager, Driver Store, and Apache:
rcnovell-ipsmd restart;rcnovell-idsd restart;rcapache2 restart