Uploading files greater than 3MB fail when using the Windows Web Client (WebDAV) with Filr

  • 7022711
  • 07-Mar-2018
  • 14-Mar-2018


Micro Focus Filr 3


Filr supports the use of WebDAV tools and enables you to access your Filr files through WebDAV as documented in the Filr User Guide. This includes mapping a drive using the Windows Web Client to Filr folders. In some cases, adding or modifying files greater than 3 MB fails with one or both of the following errors:

Error 0x800703E3: The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request.


There is a problem accessing \\server.example.com@SSL@8443\DavWWWRoot
Make sure that you're connected to the network and try again.

Uploading or modifying a file less than 3 MB works in most cases. Also, using a 3rd party WebDAV client such as BitKinex does not have any problem and successfully uploads files greater than 3 MB.


This seems to be an issue related to the Windows Web Client when the WebDAV authentication method used is Digest. If the WebDAV authentication method is changed to Basic, then this problem is resolved and users are able to upload files greater than 3 MB using the Windows Web Client.

Here are some possible solutions to this problem:
  1. Use a 3rd party WebDAV client such as BitKinex.
  2. Modify the default Filr WebDAV Authentication method from Digest to Basic authentication. This can be done from the Filr appliance's 9443 interface under the WebDAV Authentication menu (as documented in the Filr Administration Guide).

IMPORTANT: When using Option #2, please ensure that your Filr site does NOT allow non-SSL access. Basic authentication which passes user credentials in clear-text should only be considered as an option when using SSL (https) to connect to the Filr site. Also, after re-configuring Filr to use Basic authentication, users will need to add the mapped folder to Filr again.

Additional Information

Using the Windows Web Client (WebDAV) to map a drive to Filr requires a signed SSL certificate. Using the default self-signed certificate will prevent the mapping of the drive.