Access Manager 4.4 on Microsoft Windows Server 2012R2 Once you configure the identity server to Active Directory and complete the setup of the idp After this if you try go to Security -> Certificates -> New and create a new cert it will fail with the following error "Error creating certificate:class.java.lang.NullPointerExecption"
Stop Tomcat service.
move C:\Program
Files\Novell\Tomcat\webapps\nps\WEB-INF\lib\npki.jar to C:\Program
Ensure the file npki.jar
C:\Program Files\Novell\Tomcat\webapps\nps\WEB-INF\lib\npki.jar is
removed from this folder.
Also if you find a npki.jar file
in C:\Program Files\Novell\Tomcat\lib\ remove it from the folder and replace
with the one in.
Start Tomcat service.
After give the ac/idp a reboot
It appears the "move" command did not work as expected on the prone setup(s).
We suspect, the file *may* have been held by Tomcat on a server where it takes time to stop the service during which this action couldn't be performed.