How to manage AD users with Shared Mailboxes

  • 7022699
  • 28-Feb-2018
  • 10-Apr-2018


NetIQ Directory Resource Administrator


How to view the AD user object with an associated Exchange Shared Mailbox
How to view the AD user object with an associated Exchange Resource Mailbox
How to configure DRA to list AD users with special mailbox types


DRA has introduced a new configuration setting within the Delegation and Configuration console. This setting will configure DRA to cache and manage the User properties of an AD user with a special Exchange Mailbox. In order to configure this setting, you must have the DRA power of DRA Administration, and use the Delegation and Configuration Console.

  1. While logged on a user with DRA Administration power, launch the DRA Delegation and Configuration Console
  2. From the D&C console, ensure the console is connected to the Primary DRA Server
  3. Expand the Configuration Management node of the console
  4. Click once on the Administration Servers icon
  5. From the right hand window, choose the Update Administration Server options
  6. Once in the Administration Server options, open the client options section
  7. From the Client options window, place a check box in the option entitled : Show resource and shared mailboxes when searching for users
  8. Save the setting
  9. Close the DRA console
  10. Restart the NetIQ Administration Service

Once the above steps are completed, AD user objects with Resource or Shared Mailboxes will be visible when searching for users or all objects. This will then allow management of AD attributes specific to an AD user object.


By default DRA will not list the AD user objects for users with an Exchange Shared Mailbox or Resource Mailbox. DRA will only display the mailbox object. This mailbox object is only visible when searching for all objects or the specific mailbox type. The user object will not be visible.

Additional Information

The ability to manage a shared or resource mailbox requires the DRA Assistant  Admin DRA powers for Shared / Resource mailboxes. The ability to manage the user object requires powers for User Administration. These powers must be applied to an active view covering the specific object types, or all object types.

The setting to enable user management is a global DRA setting. The Secondary DRA servers will be unaware of this setting until they have completed a successful MMS sync. The setting will apply to the Primary DRA Server, after the DRA Administration Service has been restarted.

The Shared Mailbox object type is only visible within the DRA Web Console. Within the Win32 console only the user object will be visible.

This KB applies only to the DRA version listed within the environment section.