GroupWise 2014 R2
GroupWise Mobility Service 2014 R2
GroupWise Mobility Service 2014 R2
- GMS connected to PostOffice1 on Domain1 on Server1
- GMS configured to provision users in Group created on PostOffice1
- User on PostOffice2 on Domain2 on Server2 added to Group
- User is deleted
- User with the same name recreated (but with a new FID) and added back to Group
- GMS Admin will eventually show the User State as Failed
- GMS logs show various errors
- mobility-agent.log
INFO [BackgroundWorkMonitor_Thread] [backgroundWorkMonitor:89] [userID:floyd.mgmailpo2.mgmaildom2] [eventID:] [objectID:] [Monitor] Initial sync request not sent for user: floyd, not configured on default.pipeline1.groupwise - groupwise-agent.log
ERROR [CP WSGIServer Thread-3] [gwuserlist:1077] [userID:floyd] [eventID:] [objectID:] [configureUser] Problem caching address book list for user floyd. User will NOT be added to the GWC cache.
ERROR [CP WSGIServer Thread-3] [gwuserlist:897] [userID:floyd] [eventID:] [objectID:] [applicationAddUser] User floyd NOT added to the GWC cache because we could not get the PABs
WARNING [CP WSGIServer Thread-3] [gwuserlist:252] [userID:floyd] [eventID:] [objectID:] [configureUser] Failed to find user floyd in cache or failed GroupWise login! Can not complete this users configurations without logging in.
ERROR [CP WSGIServer Thread-3] [gwuserlist:999] [userID:] [eventID:] [objectID:] [] User not found in the GWC cache: floyd
ERROR [CP WSGIServer Thread-3] [AppInterface:2342] [userID:] [eventID:] [objectID:] [targetAdded] Problem adding user: floyd.mgmailpo2.mgmaildom2; exception: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'userConfiguredInGWC'
Shut down all GroupWise and GMS Services on Server1 and Server2 then restart them. Reinitialise the stuck user in GMS Admin.
The POA appears to be caching old information.