1) Stop Tomcat
2) Launch configutil in console mode from the idgov/bin directory (configutil -console -password %password-for-igops-user%
3) Issue the following and press enter:
dc com.netiq.iac.reviews.fulfillment.suppressLosingPermissionEmail
In your environment no value should be returned
4) Issue the following and press enter:
sp com.netiq.iac.reviews.fulfillment.suppressLosingPermissionEmail true
5) Up arrow 2 times so that the dc command is active and press Enter. You should see:
com.netiq.iac.reviews.fulfillment.suppressLosingPermissionEmail = true
6) Issue the following:
7) Delete the localhost folder in the tomcat/work/Catalina directory
8) Start Tomcat
9) All reviews will no longer send an email to the user notifying them that they are about to be revoked from some permissions.
It is highly suggested to test with a tool like fakemail or MailCatcher as compared to the actual corporate mail server until you are ready to move to Staging.