GroupWise client does not recognize default dialer

  • 7022405
  • 30-Nov-2017
  • 25-Jan-2018


GroupWise 2014 R2 Support Pack 2


CTI Application is being used for phone dialing instead of dialer.exe.

When clicking a tel:link in an email/in GroupWise and the GroupWise Addressbook - the "Default Phone Dialer" is used - and opens Dialer.exe. 

In other programs this works. But GroupWise does different and does not give the simple: tel:1234567xyz to the default program that is associated with the tel protocol.

The registry key can be changed to use the CTI software - but the number won't be dialed - as the number after "tel:" is not handed over as it seems.


In Internet Explorer Tab, when clicking the phone number there the CTI Application is being launched, as in Office, or Chrome and also in Windows in general. 
If you do a Start - Run and enter tel:2145356  <-- this number gets dialed in the CTI application.

Only the GroupWise client continues to use dialer.exe.


This has been resolved in an FTF build for GroupWise 18.  Unfortunately the fix will not be ported back to the GroupWise 2014 R2 code base.  To receive this fix, please upgrade the system to GroupWise 18 and then request the FTF client related to this tid.