Folders shared under My Files no longer allow granting Re-share of File Links

  • 7022401
  • 29-Nov-2017
  • 12-Dec-2017


Micro Focus Filr 3.2
Micro Focus Filr Desktop client


When a user tries to share a folder from under his/her 'My Files' which includes both Home folder as well as Personal Storage folder(s), the share dialog no longer lists "File Link" as an option under "Allow re-share with" section. As a result, the sharee will not be able to re-share the folder using a file link.

Note: This issue only applicable to folders under the user's 'My Files' area. This is not applicable to folder sharing under Net Folders where this option is not provided by design.


A fix for this issue is available in the Filr 3.3 Update. With the fix in place, a user will be allowed to grant re-share privileges using File Links to any folder shared from within the 'My Files' area using the Filr Web interface.

Please note that the same feature is not yet available in the share dialog in the Filr Desktop clients and has been reported to engineering for inclusion in future Desktop client updates.