Filr reports are truncated to first 10,000 records

  • 7022398
  • 29-Nov-2017
  • 12-Dec-2017


Micro Focus Filr 3.2


When running one of the Filr Monitoring Reports (as described in the Generating Filr Monitoring Reports in the Filr Administrative Guide), the report is truncated to the first 10,000 records if there are more than 10,000 records.

For example, suppose there were 25,000 user activity records between Sept 1, 2017 and November 1, 2017 on your Filr site. When you run the User Activity Report for the same time period, you get a report which contains only the first 10,000 records. The remaining 15,000 records are ignored.


A fix for this issue is available in the Filr 3.3 Update. With the fix in place, the generation of a large report will launch a new browser tab and will continue until the report is ready to be downloaded. During this time, you could navigate to other areas in Filr using the original browser tab.