1. Download cleanup_rawdata_info.sh file.
E.g. ftp.novell.com /outgoing/Sentinel/script for TID 7022308
2. Copy it to the location on Sentinel server where other script files are present.
eg. /opt/novell/sentinel/bin
3. Set the required permissions to the script.
chmod 700 /opt/novell/sentinel/bin/cleanup_rawdata_info.sh
chown novell:novell /opt/novell/sentinel/bin/cleanup_rawdata_info.sh
4. Switch to novell user
su novell
5. Change to the directory where the script is present.
cd /opt/novell/sentinel/bin
6. Execute the script and follow the on-screen instruction during the execution.
Features provided in the script:
- Script validates the directory path (Valid/Invalid).
- Script gives user flexibility to View/Delete.
- Script makes confirmation to the user before deletion.
- Log is maintained to keep the deletion history as a record.
- Script removes the entries from the DB if the files are missing from the specified directory.