Access Manager 4.4
Using NAM iManager Admin Console, attempting to create an Appmark of type Protected Resource.
When browsing for the protected resource, the following error is received.
Failed to retrieve Protected Resources for the selected Proxy Service.
Reason: Response 400 for GET amsvc/v1/agclusters/ag-AAF8534823B534ED/reverseproxies/svhttp_1487890611905/proxyservices/sshost_1487890697860/protectedresources?c=1509634143865 after 5 retries.
It is not possible to create the appmark. The operation was working in Access Manager 4.3
When browsing for the protected resource, the following error is received.
Failed to retrieve Protected Resources for the selected Proxy Service.
Reason: Response 400 for GET amsvc/v1/agclusters/ag-AAF8534823B534ED/reverseproxies/svhttp_1487890611905/proxyservices/sshost_1487890697860/protectedresources?c=1509634143865 after 5 retries.
It is not possible to create the appmark. The operation was working in Access Manager 4.3
Checked the Admin Console catalina.out file which had the following error.
Nov 06, 2017 5:17:13 AM com.microfocus.amapi.v1.resources.AGConfigValidator throwErrorMessage
WARNING: com.microfocus.amapi.v1.resources.ProtectedResourcesAPI: Invalid cluster ID
Assigned the Access Gateway to an Access Gateway cluster, and the Appmark wizard was able to browse to a protected resource and successfully create an appmark.
Nov 06, 2017 5:17:13 AM com.microfocus.amapi.v1.resources.AGConfigValidator throwErrorMessage
WARNING: com.microfocus.amapi.v1.resources.ProtectedResourcesAPI: Invalid cluster ID
Assigned the Access Gateway to an Access Gateway cluster, and the Appmark wizard was able to browse to a protected resource and successfully create an appmark.
The Access Gateway was not assigned to an Access Gateway cluster. As there was only one Access Gateway, it was not required to have an AG Cluster in earlier versions of Access Manager; but as from Access Manager 4.4 the validity of the cluster is checked when creating an appmark.