Pending-held status on print queue from iPrint mobile Apps with Appliance 3.1

  • 7022228
  • 27-Oct-2017
  • 28-Dec-2017


Micro Focus iPrint Appliance 3.1


When sending a print job through the iPrint mobile app (Android or iOS), the job is sent with no errors.  However, the print queue status shows pending-held and does not change.


  1. Go to the iPrint Management Console
    • https://<ip or dns>:9443
  2. Manage iPrint appliance
  3. Renderers
  4. Local Renderer
  5. Edit
  6. If Unable to connect to renderer is returned or if the driver selection is empty, continue with the steps below.
  7. Type the following commands a terminal session (putty or other tool):
    • rcnovell-iprint-mobile stop
    • orientdb-console
    • connect plocal:/var/opt/novell/iprintmobile/databases/iprint admin admin
    • select * from GlobalConfiguration;
      • If the driverID field is populated (shows the generic driver), reach out to Micro Focus Customer Support.
      • If the driverID field is empty, run this update command:
        • update GlobalConfiguration SET driverId="Generic+PostScript+Printer+Foomatic%2FPostscript+%28recommended%29";
          • Note: Depending on your browser settings, the above update command may show as being wrapped.  However, the command is one line and should be run as one line. 
    • quit
    • rcnovell-iprint-mobile start
  8. Repeat steps 1 through 6.  Verify no error is returned and that the driver selection is populated.
  9. Test printing.  It should work without error.


During the migration from the Appliance 2.x to 3.1, the driverID information is not properly copied to orientdb.