Self Service Password Reset
SSPR 4.2
Forgotten password module
SSPR configured to send Forgotten Password Verification Email
Invalid URL in password reset email from SSPR.
After providing challenge responses to authenticate to Forgotten Password page, users are sent an email with a token and a link to reset passwords.
Error 404 "page not found error" is returned when clicking link to continue with password reset.
Manually copying in the token included in the email works fine.
Edit the SSPR "Site URL' to add /sspr
This is done in SSPR Configuration Manger, Settings ⇨ Application ⇨ Application ⇨ Site URL
Site URL was set to https://something.example.com
It needed to be set to https://something.example.com/sspr
Additional Information
Macro in the email template adds the site url link to the email. If the site url is not correct the link will fail.