Citrix Pass-through fails after CLE is installed

  • 7021947
  • 29-Sep-2017
  • 07-Nov-2017


Client Login Extension
CLE 3.9
Windows 7 Workstations with Citrix Client
CLE on windows desktops running Citrix applications.
CLE on Citrix Servers 
Pass-through authentication provided by Citrix SSON 


Pass-through from Workstation to Citrix single using Citrix SSON does not work with CLE installed
Users prompted to authenticate when launching Citrix App after installing CLE
Without CLE instlled, users open Citrix app and seamlessly log in to Citrix server   
Is it possibile to integrate CLE with Citrix SSO? 


This is working as designed by Microsoft.  CLE uses its own custom Credential Provider, so the Microsoft NLA(Network Level Authentication) will not allow seamless login. This is as per Microsoft design.

Microsoft terminal Services does not support seamless login with a third party credential provider.  Only the built-in Microsoft credential providers can be authenticated using seamless login. 

Install CLE with the CLE Tile Enabled in the Citrix Server.  The Microsoft Credential Provider will then still be available and Single Sign on will happen.

Additional Information