Databridge 6.3 Update 1 Release Notes

  • 7021927
  • 29-Feb-2016
  • 01-Apr-2018


Databridge version 6.3 Update 1


Databridge 6.3 Update 1 (released February 2016) is available to maintained customers and applies to an existing installation of Databridge 6.3. This technical note describes fixes included in this release.


Version Information

Databridge components and utilities that have been updated since version 6.3 are listed below with their current version number.

All host programs have been recompiled with MCP Level 56.1 software.



Enterprise Server




Obtaining the Hotfix

Maintained customers are eligible to download the latest product releases from

File Structure

This update uses the same directory structure as the installation image of the original release to help you locate the appropriate update file for each product.

Please note the following:

  • This version uses a single patch that updates the Client, the Console, and DBEnterprise Server.
  • You cannot update a 32-bit install with a 64-bit patch or vice versa. Uninstall the 32-bit software 6.4 release software and install the 64-bit 6.3 release software before updating it with the 64-bit patch.

Installation Instructions

You must have an existing 6.3 installation to apply this update.

Before you install the update, quit all Databridge applications including the Console, and then terminate the service/daemon. After the installation is complete, restart the service/daemon manually.

IMPORTANT: To avoid potential problems, we strongly recommend that you upgrade the Host and Enterprise Server software simultaneously.

We also recommend that you update the Client Console if you're updating the Client software, particularly if you use the Client Configurator. This will ensure that your data is interpreted correctly.

Databridge Host

  1. On the MCP Server, upload DB63Update.con using binary or image file transfer.
ftp my_aseries_host
put DB63Update.con DB63UPDATE
  1. Log on to the Databridge usercode on the host and go to CANDE.
  2. To unwrap encapsulated files in the DB63UPDATE file, use the following command:

Databridge Client, Client Console, and Enterprise Server

  • On Windows, open the Windows32 or Windows64 folder of the update and double-click the file databridge.63xxxx-update-Wnn.exe. All installed components such as the Client, the Console, or Enterprise Server will be updated.
  • On UNIX, upload the appropriate tar files for the Client and Console from the update to the directories where these components are installed. (Optimally, the Client and Console are installed in separate directories to facilitate maintenance.) If you use Windows to process the extract of the tar file from the zip file, you must transfer the tar file to UNIX using binary FTP.

Then, use the following command:

tar -xvf <filename>

where <filename> is the full name of the tar file. This command replaces the files in the Databridge install directory with updated files from the tar file.

Note: To avoid accidentally deleting the Databridge applications, we recommend that you always keep the install directory and the working directory separate.

Issues Resolved by Update 1

In addition to the previous Issues Resolved by Hotfix 3, this update resolves the following issues:


  • In rare cases, certain updates are not sent to the client. This only occurs when all of the following conditions are true:
    • The Engine is setup to read the active (current) audit file and the Databridge client has use_dbwait set to true.
    • The Engine has reached the logical end of the audit file.
    • The last block ends with a SAM, SAC or SAD record.
    • The actual update (DSM, DSC, DSD) has not yet been written into the next block.
    • The Engine is in a position to commit the transaction group.
  • The Engine control file parameter PROPERTY LEVEL = “050810” no longer has to be added to run with 58.1 DMSII.


  • UNIX daemon gets an "address in use error" when binding the listen port for the second time. The solution is to bind once using IPV6, which allows both IPV4 and IPV6 to work.


  • The clone command fails with an RCI_GetDataSets error.
  • The parser insists on having "with option x" as part of a clone command, even though this is optional.
  • The clone command fails with large databases as the bconsole buffer does not dynamically expand.

Issues Resolved by Hotfix 3

In addition to the previous issues resolved by Hotfix 2, as described in KB 7021924, this update resolves the following issues:


  • Remaps in DBTwin logical database cause structure number errors.
  • In most cases there will no longer be any forced audit switches at the end of a clone.
  • A PRIMARYFILTER DBEngine gets error 104 if some data sets are excluded from the filter.
  • Databridge can't find the source or object for the DMSIISupport library if the DBServer SOURCE specifies a USERCODE. The title of the DMSIISupport library will now have the same usercode and family as the DESCRIPTION file.
  • In records greater than 4095 bytes, 1 - 5 bytes in the middle of the record are zeroed.
  • Replication gets stuck in a loop following a deferred fixup clone.
  • DBEnterprise does not clone the global data set record.


  • Permit DBEnterprise to access the Commit During Idle Database DBEngine control file parameter.


  • The DMSII Client stays in transaction state even when no audit is available.


  • A FIELD of booleans in the global record causes a syntax error.
  • The Accessory tries to link to DMSIISupport using the current usercode rather than the Databridge software usercode. The title of the DMSIISupportlibrary will now have the same usercode and family of the description file.
  • Global data items are not updated properly.
  • Global data items are corrupted if the global record is declared to be EXTENDED.


  • DBEnterprise now uses the COMMIT DURING IDLE DATABASE setting from the DBEngine parameter file.


  • Modified the recovery from a duplicate record, while attempting to mark a record as deleted for MISER database customers. Instead of giving up immediately and deleting the record, we now fudge the time and try again for a number of times before giving up and deleting the record.
  • Modified the Oracle Clients to use the view USER_USERS, rather than the table SYS.USER$, when fetching the user number. This eliminates the need to grant select privileges for this table to the Databridge user.
  • Modified the UNIX clients not to use getlogin(), as this returns the login user name, which is not the right one to check when you switch users to run the client.


  • Added protection against rogue runs that send less than 4 characters and hang the service. We now close the connection when we get less than 4 characters when reading the length of the first message.
  • Implemented a session initialization timeout to protect against rogue connections to the service that tie up resources. A normal console or BCNOTIFY session immediately sends an RC_Initialize RPC. We now time this out and close the connection when we get no input within the timeout period.
  • Increased the number of workings storage blocks use to enqueue DMSII buffers on update worker threads' work queues. We seemed to be running out them before we ran out of DMSII buffers.

Additional Information

Additional technical resources are available at

Legacy KB ID

This document was originally published as Attachmate Technical Note 2857.