Automatically Copying Selected Text to Clipboard in EXTRA! X-treme

  • 7021884
  • 09-Nov-2006
  • 01-Apr-2018


EXTRA! X-treme version 9.0


EXTRA! X-treme can be configured to automatically copy selected (highlighted) text to the Windows Clipboard. This technical note describes how to enable this feature.


By default, the feature to automatically copy selected text to the Windows Clipboard is disabled (thus requiring use of the Copy menu item). To enable the auto-copy feature, follow these steps:
  1. Open the session file (*.EDP) in a text editor.
  2. Edit the [Session] section as described below. Choose the appropriate value depending on whether or not you want the text to remain highlighted after the copy:
    Add this line in the [Session] section:
    To enable auto-copy and:
    The text remains highlighted after the copy.
    The text is then unselected after the copy.

Note the following:

  • This feature applies only to the terminal session text in 3270, 5250, or VT terminal emulation types.
  • Only text selected via the mouse (double-click or click-and-drag) or keyboard is copied to the clipboard. Text selected via OLE or HLLAPI APIs is not affected by this feature.

Additional Information

Legacy KB ID

This document was originally published as Attachmate Technical Note 2124.