Rumba Desktop 9.x
At times it may be necessary to provide Customer Support with diagnostic
information in the form of a RUMBA formatted trace. How is this done?
On a test machine which you can use to replicate the reported problem:
- Close all RUMBA sessions including any RUMBA software items that may be present in the Windows System Tray.
Click Start > Programs > RUMBA Folder > RUMBA Administrative Tools > RUMBA Trace.
On Windows 10, click the Windows icon, navigate to the Micro Focus Rumba group and select "Rumba 9.x Trace" - In the RUMBA Trace console click File > Clear Formatted File. This will ensure that no previous data is in the trace from past attempts.
- In the RUMBA Trace console click Options > Configuration.
- On the API Selection tab, click the Select All button.
- Click on the Output tab and check the Formatted File check box. Make sure there is no checkmark next to Binary, as we want only a Formatted trace. Make a note of the folder where the Formatted File (e.g. RUMBATRC.FMT) will be saved. You may wish to redirect the output of this file to the desktop to make it easy to locate. Click the OK button when finished on this tab.
- Minimize the RUMBA Trace console.
- Using a minimal amount of steps, reproduce the issue. If taking simultaneous AS/400 communications trace and/or ODBC traces, or WireShark traces, please be sure that these tracing tools have been setup and started before you start reproducing the problem.
- Log-off of the host if necessary, and close the RUMBA display session if possible.
- Maximize the RUMBA Trace console and choose File > Exit to end the trace.
Note: You may need to take a trace using
the most current version of RUMBA. Check with your SupportLine
Specialist if you are not running the most current version of the
software. Make sure no other RUMBA or 5250 data stream activity is
present on test PC at time of tracing.