Installing Reflection 14.x to "Run from Network"

  • 7021637
  • 16-Aug-2000
  • 01-Apr-2018


Reflection Windows-based Products version 11.0 through 14.x (excluding Reflection NFS Client)


This technical note describes how to install Reflection version 11.0 through 14.x from an administrative installation point using the "Run from Network" option during setup. This option will allow a workstation to run Reflection from the administrative installation point.


To configure Reflection to "Run from network," follow these steps:
  1. Start the workstation and navigate to the administrative installation point (the server where you installed Reflection). From the administrative installation point, locate the Setup.exe file. Run Setup.exe at the workstation either by executing the file from the Run box (from your Start menu) or by double-clicking the file directly in Windows Explorer. The Reflection installation will begin.
  2. Follow the instructions in each dialog box that displays, making sure to choose the Custom installation type in the "Select Installation Type" dialog box. This lets you select the "Run from Network" option.
  3. Select the "Reflection" feature at the top of the Select Features dialog box and choose the "Run from Network" option.
  4. Complete the installation, following the instructions in each dialog box for a successful installation.

When you complete the installation, Reflection will install the minimum set of required files and update the Windows registry on the workstation.

Additional Information

Legacy KB ID

This document was originally published as Attachmate Technical Note 1511.