Reflection for IBM 2014
Reflection for IBM 2011 R3 SP1
Reflection Standard Suite 2011 R3 SP1
This technical note includes a link to a sample file that shows how to use SmartUx controls with a session running Reflection's on-board demo host.
- A toggle button that turns the Scratch Pad on or off.
- A required field that provides simple error checking and writes error messages to the Scratch Pad.
- A drop-down list that provides options to navigate to different screens.
- A drop-down list that limits the selections available in a program option list.
- A border control that displays a message in the scratch pad when the cursor enters the field under the control.
You can run this sample as a VBA macro or as a .NET application.
The smartUxDemo.rd3x session document file includes a VBA macro that sets up these controls. To run this sample, download this file to your data directory (for example, My Documents\Attachmate\Reflection) and open it in a Reflection workspace.
VBA: smartUxDemo.rd3x
For instructions and basic samples that show how to get started with SmartUx controls, see “Using SmartUx Controls†in the VBA guide:
The smartUxDemo Visual Studio 2010 solution opens a session on the Reflection on-board demo host and sets up these controls for the session. To run this sample, download and unzip this file to your project directory.
.NET: smartUxDemo.zip
For instructions and basic samples that show how to get started with SmartUx controls, see “Using SmartUx Controls†in the .NET guide: