unable to apply patch for Sentinel 8.1

  • 7021443
  • 15-Sep-2017
  • 19-Sep-2017


Sentinel 8.1/ Sentinel Server


Functionality issues were found when attempting to apply patches or if the Cisco eStreamer collector is configured.  When attempting to install a Sentinel Patch on the Collector Manager the following line appears: 

“./installpatch.sh: line 12: /bin/setenv.sh: No such file or directory Unable to find libsiem.sh”

Note: If the Cisco eStreamer Collector is already configured then, there is no problem. The issue only occurs when APP_HOME cannot be located during the initial installation of eStreamer.  


Currently functionality issues were found when attempting to apply patches or if the Cisco eStreamer collector is configured.  If unable to apply the patch or if the Cisco eStreamer collector is configured, follow the steps given to resolve the issue.

1. Switch to novell user.
      # su novell

2. Add the following lines to .bashrc file located in the /home/novell/ location by using the commands. 
$ echo APP_HOME=\"<sentinel installed location>" >> ~novell/.bashrc
$ echo export PATH=\"$APP_HOME/bin:$APP_HOME/bin/actions:$PATH\" >> ~novell/.bashrc


Observed that in fresh installations of Sentinel 8.1/ the APP_HOME entry in /home/novell/.bashrc file is missing.  This may have an impact on the Sentinel functionality where APP_HOME is considered/used.