A Windows Replication Fails Before the Data Transfer Starts

  • 7021378
  • 12-Sep-2017
  • 22-Sep-2017


PlateSpin Forge 11.2 and lower
PlateSpin Protect 11.2 and lower


A Windows replication fails before the data transfer starts with the message ERROR: "This implementation is not part of the Windows Platform FIPS validated cryptographic algorithms".


Disable FIPS on the source workload. 


FIPS is enabled on the source and needs to be disabled. 

Additional Information

FIPS is not yet supported in Protect and/or Forge. 
To determine if FIPS is enabled on the Protect or Forge server, open Local Security Policy->Local Policies->Security Options and look for the setting "System cryptography: Use FIPS compliant algorithms for encryption, hashing, and signing".