Unable to send mail from various applications via File | Send.

  • 7021270
  • 31-Aug-2017
  • 31-Aug-2017


GroupWise 2014 R2


You might run into problems when trying to send a document from various applications where it would complain that there is no mail application installed or other errors leading you keep failing to send a mail with attached document.


On your problem workstation you would need to get the newest C++ redistributable from:
where at the very bottom is a section "Other Tools and Frameworks" where you can get "Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2017". This applies namely for any newer Windows version / patched via Windows update service and Citrix platforms.
This install already can help with existing GW R2 version client, however, the newer client version, the better. You can download the latest officially released version from our web site:
or ask NTS to provide you with any later client FTF build.