Filr: Unable to delete Net Folder Server

  • 7021266
  • 30-Aug-2017
  • 30-Aug-2017


Filr 3.2


The following error is displayed when attempting to delete a Net Folder Server:
The following Net Folder Servers could not be deleted because they are currently being referenced by Net Folders.
All Net Folders referencing the Net Folder Server have been deleted.
Shares are not a contributing factor, as all shares are removed when the Net Folder is deleted.
None of the Filr logs indicate the source of  the problem.


Even after the Net Folder(s) referencing the Net Folder Server have been removed, there is still something pointing to it. This is usually a Home folder, defined for one or more users. Examine each user in: Filr port 8443 administration console > Management > Users > (choose the user) > down arrow > User Properties > Home Folder > Net Folder Server.
Once you've identified the offending folder go to the Filr 8443 administration console >System >LDAP > (select the server) > Users tab > (choose the base DN) > de-select the "Use the LDAP home directory attribute" radio button > click OK.
Next, change the user's Home Directory in iManager, or else it will get reset in Filr next time an LDAP sync is performed.
Finally, go to the Filr 8443 administration console > Management > Users > (choose the user) > down arrow > User Properties > Home Folder > Net Folder Server > choose the new Net Folder Server > click OK.
This step is necessary only for an immediate change; the correct value will be set upon the next user logon.

If these steps do not resolve the problem, contact Micro Focus Customer Care for additional assistance.


Home folder(s) is/are still referencing the Net Folder Server attempting to be removed.