[root@RHEL-MAG4 novell-access-gateway-4.4]# /etc/init.d/novell-apache2 restart
Syntax OK
Restarting Novell Gateway Service..
[root@RHEL-MAG4 novell-access-gateway-4.4]#
Broadcast message from systemd-journald@RHEL-MAG4 (Fri 2017-08-18 16:21:07 IST):
httpd[16883]: [core:emerg] [pid 16883:tid 139877523965824] (28)No space left on device: AH00023: Couldn't create the proxy-balancer-shm mutex
Broadcast message from systemd-journald@RHEL-MAG4 (Fri 2017-08-18 16:21:07 IST):
httpd[16883]: [proxy_balancer:emerg] [pid 16883:tid 139877523965824] (28)No space left on device: AH01180: mutex creation of proxy-balancer-shm : p7e85ef8b_bal_path_8853_ws failed
Increase the number of semaphore arrays on the RHEL 7.3 OS kernel settings. The following steps indicates how to increase number of semaphore arrays
1) Open /etc/sysctl.conf and add the following line,
kernel.sem = 250 256000 32 1024
------ Semaphore Limits --------
max number of arrays = 1024
max semaphores per array = 250
max semaphores system wide = 256000
max ops per semop call = 32
Based on the requirement [no. of proxy services * 2] has to be chosen to be the minimum number of "max number of arrays" value. Accordingly following condn should also be maintained
Max semaphores system wide = max no. of arrays * max semaphores per array
2) Run sysctl –p in the command line for the changes to reflect.
3) Now start apache. ( If not modify the parameter limits based on the no. of balancers)
In the reliability setup, there were 104 proxy services (208 balancers), which is greater than number of semaphore arrays (128). Hence the issue is seen here.
When examined, observed implementation change between Apache 2.2 and Apache 2.4. In Apache 2.2, semaphore array were not blocked for each balancer. This is the reason why we are seeing this issue.
So for now, the issue can be resolved by tuning the number of semaphore arrays. In SLES chances of seeing this issue is rare as it has 1024 semaphore arrays.